2019 - 2020 Snow Blower Mega Comparison Guide

snow blower comparison list

Stop! If you are not interested in seeing how snow blowers compare in price, total customer reviews, and average customer rating, this comparison guide is not for you.


If you simply want to see where you can go right now to pick up the best snow blower possible, you came to the right spot.


I don’t know about you, but these days I like to buy products that are well reviewed in terms of a product having an ample amount of total reviews and an average rating over 4 stars if possible.


These parameters meet my base criteria for entering this comparison guide for this seasons snow blower or snow thrower.


In the past when we all had more time, we would sift through product reviews, one by one. These days, we may look through a few reviews and take our chances as long as the brand name is known to be okay, and the consumer review score makes me feel warm and fuzzy enough to plunk down my hard earned cash.


Many of these stores sell the same exact snow blower / snow thrower / electric snow shovels. You’ll be able to do an apples to apples comparison by comparing the model # of your snow blower. We included the same exact snow blowers in multiple stores so you can see how the price, total customer reviews, and overall rating compare from store to store.



Who Writes Reviews?

Typically someone who is really happy about their product, or somebody that wants to complain about their misfortune. It’s hard to find products with a perfect rating these days. We have to deal with fake reviews, paid off reviews, and just silly people.


I recommend that you read at least 3 positive and 3 negative reviews on each snow blower your interested in. And if you’re one of those poele that just needs more information, go ahead and read as many reviews on your future snow throwing machine.


The bottom line is that all the snow throwers and blowers on this page have all the important numbers in your favor. If you were betting against these or the competition with an average rating of 3 stars, there is no comparison. It’s all about the #’s in the end, you have to go with what makes sense.


Due Diligence

As I mentioned above, these days we have to deal with fake reviews, and there’s no way to determine what’s what without actually reading a bunch of reviews. Most fake reviews don’t make sense and are written with very poor English. Yes their English writing skills are worse than mine! LOL!!!


But seriously folks, we did all the leg work for you, all you have to do is figure out if you’re driving to Lowes, Home Depot, or simply having Amazon deliver your snow blower. Good Luck and Follow me on Twitter and Facebook!

Best Wishes,




2019 - 2020 Snow Blower Mega Comparison Guide  

  If reviews matter, this is your oasis 
Store Description Model Price Reviews Rating Engine Type  Link
Home Depot Snow Joe Ultra 21in. SJ625E $160 853 4.2 15 Electric https://www.homedepot.com/p/Snow-Joe-Ultra-21-in-15-Amp-Electric-Snow-Blower-with-Light-SJ625E/206079735
Home Depot Toro Power Shovel 12in.  38361 $109 891 4.1 7.5 Electric https://www.homedepot.com/p/Toro-Power-Shovel-12-in-7-5-Amp-Electric-Snow-Blower-38361/100597082
Home Depot Snow Joe 18in. SJ619E $125 431 4.1 14.5 Electric https://www.homedepot.com/p/Snow-Joe-18-in-14-5-Amp-Electric-Snow-Blower-with-Light-SJ619E/206079542
Home Depot Snow Joe Ultra 18in. SJ620 $142 258 4.4 13.5 Electric https://www.homedepot.com/p/Snow-Joe-Ultra-18-in-13-5-Amp-Electric-Snow-Blower-SJ620/202958164
Home Depot Snow Joe Ultra 18in. SJ618E $136 223 4.3 13 Electric


Home Depot Ryobi 20in RYAC803-S $179 81 4.2 13 Electric


Home Depot Earthwise 16in. SN70016 $102 49 4.4 23 Electric


Home Depot Snow Joe Ultra 18in. SJ621 $161 112 4.6 13.5 Electric


Home Depot Snow Joe Max 18in. SJM988 $166 233 4.4 13.5 Electric


Home Depot Ryobi 12in. RYAC804 $99 37 4.3 10 Electric


Walmart Snow Joe SJ625E SJ625E $144 244 4.5 15 Electric https://www.walmart.com/ip/Snow-Joe-SJ625E-Electric-Single-Stage-Snow-Thrower-21-Inch-15-Amp-Motor/46113376?findingMethod=wpa&requestUUID=99114666-e274-40d5-8a46-96466535d11c&tgtp=0&cmp=239860&relRank=0&tax=5428_1102182&pt=sp&slr=F55CDC31AB754BB68FE0B39041159D63&adgrp=242380&bt=1&plmt=1100x200_T-C-OG_TI_2-4_Brand-Amplifier&wpa_qs=3wveNjfYeFhyGIJkawVmh-GWF0M5z4SB4qD6L93_xvkXNAGQHpqSbWZX3zxXohuXx1lrY7dZZ7xOxhthfaL-i8pDCDG-Rkqtt_4F1qAb4_Ftdt5ZPGhFHKzjZKjeDsMI&bkt=153&tn=WMT&mLoc=top&pgid=snow-blowers&isSlr=false&itemId=46113376&relUUID=99114666-e274-40d5-8a46-96466535d11c&adUid=d1f4d6c4-d7ef-4cd2-8bf8-7351a5bc2823&adpgm=wpa&pltfm=desktop
Walmart Snow Joe iON18SB iON18SB $299 346 4.4 40 Battery https://www.walmart.com/ip/Snow-Joe-iON18SB-Cordless-Single-Stage-Snow-Blower-18-Inch-40-Volt-Brushless/28213496?findingMethod=wpa&requestUUID=99114666-e274-40d5-8a46-96466535d11c&tgtp=0&cmp=239860&relRank=0&tax=5428_1102182&pt=sp&slr=F55CDC31AB754BB68FE0B39041159D63&adgrp=242380&bt=1&plmt=1100x200_T-C-OG_TI_2-4_Brand-Amplifier&wpa_qs=3wveNjfYeFhyGIJkawVmh-GWF0M5z4SB4qD6L93_xvkXNAGQHpqSbWZX3zxXohuXx1lrY7dZZ7xOxhthfaL-i8pDCDG-Rkqtt_4F1qAb4_Ftdt5ZPGhFHKzjZKjeDsMI&bkt=153&tn=WMT&mLoc=top&pgid=snow-blowers&isSlr=false&itemId=28213496&relUUID=99114666-e274-40d5-8a46-96466535d11c&adUid=d1f4d6c4-d7ef-4cd2-8bf8-7351a5bc2823&adpgm=wpa&pltfm=desktop
Walmart Yardmax 18" YB4628 $199 45 4.3 87 Gas https://www.walmart.com/ip/YARDMAX-YB4628-18-Single-Stage-Snow-Thrower/172377201
Walmart Wen Snow Blaster 5662 $106 66 4.3 13.5 Electric https://www.walmart.com/ip/WEN-Snow-Blaster-13-5A-Electric-Snow-Thrower-18-Inch/42410267
Walmart Snow Joe 18in. SJ620 $131 376 4.4 13.5 Electric https://www.walmart.com/ip/SJ620-Ultra-Series-13-5-Amp-18-in-Electric-Snow-Thrower/14894196

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