life should always be this simple

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There's a 90% Chance Your Central AC System Is Installed Wrong, Sad But True

Posted by on in Homeowner Tips

b2ap3_thumbnail_bad-central-air-conditioning-installation.jpgDid you know that about 50% of all the money we spend on heating and cooling is due to inefficiencies in the way these systems are installed?

It's a sad but true fact. A whopping 25% of your hard earned money is literally leaking out of the duct work. The other 25% comes from other installation problems with the units themselves.


The biggest problem according to John Proctor of Proctor Engineering Group is that the vast majority of heating and cooling systems are improperly installed to being with. A poor installation leads to wasted energy, future reliability problems with the units themselves, and of course a whole lot of wasted money. 


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The Polish Guide to American TV Remote Control Functions on AT&T Uverse, Comcast, and more

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b2ap3_thumbnail_Polish-Guide-ATT-Uverse-Remote-Control-Universal.jpgMy parents are old school baby boomers from Poland. They always had the convenience of having their son or daughter taking care of their business for them, something only kids of foreign parents know too well.


I already mentioned many times before in my articles and YouTube videos of how my life experiences led me to become the ProvenHelper. You see, I've been creating tutorials and tools to free up my time, because I've had many moments in my life where I basically worked for free as a translator, computer repair guy, and in some respects even a lawyer (don't ask).  When your family, friends, and families friends know you can help them, before long, your free time disappears. 


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How-to Avoid Paying Large Unexpected Bills

Posted by on in Extraordinary How-to's

I never planned to become an expert producer of how-to videos and tutorials,it sort of just happened naturally, and that's why I go by ProvenHelper. Today my how-to videos have saved over 5 million YouTube viewers from having to pay expensive bills on their cars, computers, cell phones, and houses. In a nutshell, my unusual life experiences can save you from those unexpected bills when something goes wrong.


Birth of the Kid Entrepreneur

I was one of those unique kids that parents love and hate. I'm the one who would take apart your electronics and try to improve them, while you’re at work. You could come home to a TV with better reception, or a $100 toy that no longer works. When I got slightly older I taught myself how to fix computers, because when they first came out, they just kept breaking. Before I knew it, I was fixing everyone's computer around the neighborhood and the family tree, but that got old fast. Most of these people just expected the little computer wiz to fix their computer troubles for free and free doesn't buy toys, so at 14 I got myself a paper route; my first experience as an entrepreneur.


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Real Answer to Is a House on a Dead End Street Bad Feng Shui

Posted by on in Real Estate


Looking for a new home to buy can be more of a project and risk than most of us think it is. I can honestly say that the process can feel grueling and never-ending, because buying a house is much like getting married. You have to lock in all the qualities you really can't live without and figure out which qualities you're willing to overlook, because a house much like a spouse will never be perfect and neither will be the process of finding them. In the end you still have to hunker down with faith and put your money on the one you think is the one and hope for the best. There are no guarantees in life, just educated guesses, ancient wisdom like Feng Shui and statistics.


Will This House Make Me Happy?

Do you need quick answers on how much typical home improvement projects cost, because your buying a home this year? If you are in the market to buy a new home this year, you're probably driving around town with your Samsung Galaxy, iPhone or iPad with Zillow or another mobile app, scouring the neighborhoods for good deals.

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A Cold Weather Checklist: How to Winterize Your Home

Posted by on in Homeowner Tips

cold weather outbreak

No one likes a cold home or paying outrageous utility bills trying to keep warm in cold weather. This checklist helps you beat the cold and keep your heating costs down.

As we move past first day of every winter on December 21, Americans across the country are begin to experience colder temperatures and winter weather, some even experiencing severe snowstorms and dangerous, icy conditions. Time to whip out the Cold Weather Checklist, written by a general contractor who transformed many older homes in New England into much more modern and efficient houses.


When snowflakes start to fall, Americans match up their mittens, dig up their winter boots, and buckle down to weather the storm. But if you’re like many people, you might not always think about adding your house to the winter-weather checklist.

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